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Online Cleaning Technologies is the world’s only provider of patented and standard solutions to clean industrial installations, while the installation is in full production.

Shutdowns can be prevented and downtime reduced substantially.

To optimise efficiency, each customer receives a tailored cleaning plan based on the specific design and needs of their installation.

Patented Linear, Industrial Boiler Cleaning

Our high velocity Patented Linear Cleaning method is the only solution to provide a full online cleaning service without the need to shut down or stop.

Standard Stick Blasting

Our Standard Stick Blasting solution is used for offline and online cleaning.

CO2 – Compressed Gas

This method, which can be administered online or offline, involves inserting a compressed gas tube directly into the build-up that you want to remove.

Water Cannon

Water Cannon focuses high-pressure shots of water or a plastic ball to remove build-up.

High Definition High Temperature Camera

At industrial sites where heat is generated and inspection of facilities by conventional means is not possible, Online Cleaning Technologies is able to offer options for visual inspection while the boiler/plant remain in operation.

Our Process

The production of energy involves the combustion of material to create heat and produce steam to drive turbine generators which produce electricity.

Service Applications

Click on the diagram below to discover the most appropriate of Online Cleaning’s solutions for each location.

Online Real-Time Monitoring Dashboard

Using our Online Real-Time Monitoring Dashboard our boiler and process engineers can track and analyse plant performance in real time both during, and after cleans.


Enhanced availability of the installation
Savings on maintenance through shorter stops / lead times / shut downs / outages
Can be applied online or offline
No side effects such as additional waste and water
Consistent high level of safety and control
Consistent, proven and reliable cleaning
Effective in all types of boilers
Reduced emissions
The offline cleaning method allows simultaneous performance of other cleaning activities
Opportunity to agree to enter into performance contracts and monitoring system
Highly experienced teams performing over 2,000 online cleanings per year
Intense and close cooperation with clients
The management of Online Cleaning Technologies can rely on a wide experience in the industry, having operated as plant managers and engineers
Continuous innovation by active Research and Development to improve solutions

Exclusive Patented Linear Cleaning (PLC)

Our Patented Linear Cleaning from Online Cleaning Technologies is the only proven solution enabling complete industrial cleaning of the installation guaranteed without shutdown or stop. The installation can be cleaned completely while it remains in full production at extreme temperatures.




  • Online Cleaning Technologies can rely on a good track record over many years and a wide range
    of experience with online and offline cleaning at over 200 installations worldwide
  • The team consists of diverse expertise and gets all the latest training and relevant education to successfully and safely perform each online and offline cleaning
  • Due to the close partnership with plant management Online Cleaning Technologies can develop the most effective and practical cleaning solutions to achieve best results
  • Online Cleaning Technologies, using our in-depth knowledge of the installations and the effectiveness of techniques, also propose adaptions to optimize the plants
  • The team proposes and implements maintenance and control programs including dashboard performance monitoring
  • Online Cleaning Technologies constantly invests in the future by development of new technology and equipment


Industrial cleaning with explosives sounds controversial at first instance, but for safety and sustainability it has proven to be the best solution from the historic figures. No alternative solution has a better LTI ratio (lost time incident) than cleaning by means of shockwave cleaning.

Due to the clear Safe Systems of Work (SSoW) and the well structured and disciplined experienced shockwave engineers, there is minimal risk to all employees and the installation. Also the solutions have a better environmental footprint than traditional cleaning. As shutdowns can be prevented and cleaning can be done without costly loss of energy, resources and shutdown / restart resources, the environmental balance proofs turns out superior for shockwave cleaning.

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Take a tour of Online Cleaning and learn more about our cleaning methods.